Penzance Council wants to ensure that everyone stays safe and well during these uncertain times.
We feel that it is essential to be proactive and consider the risks posed by Covid-19, particularly older people and those with underlying health conditions.
Penzance Council will continue to act in the best interests of the community and although the news is deeply disturbing, we feel we are making informed and appropriate decisions to reduce the risks associated with the COVID-19 virus.
We have decided to close the council office to callers. If you need to pay your allotment rent or purchase a car parking permit please ring the office bell and a member of staff will be able to help you.
The public toilets also remain open and our cleaning contractors are devising an enhanced cleaning regime. (Wherrytown and Princess May Male toilets are closed due to vandalism.)
At this point in time all Committee and Full Council meetings are currently scheduled to proceed but we anticipate there may also be an impact on these.
Event | Date and time | Current situation |
Climate Emergency sub-committee | 5pm 18 March 2020 | CANCELLED |
Planning Committee | 7pm 18 March 2020 | Going ahead as scheduled |
Personnel Committee | 4pm 19 March 2020 | Going ahead as scheduled |
Private view -Penlee House | 7.15 20 March 2020 | CANCELLED |
Penlee House Committee | 7pm 23 March 2020 | Going ahead as scheduled |
Leisure & Amenities Committee | 7pm 30 March 2020 | Going ahead as scheduled |
Finance & General Purposes | 7pm 6 April 2020 | Going ahead as scheduled |
Promenade Ward by-election | 2 April 2020 | All by-elections scheduled before 7 May continue. If new legislation comes into force we will keep you informed. |
Annual Town meeting | 20 April 2020 | Scaled down to be an ordinary meeting. Reports to be circulated and made available on the website for the public to view. |
Informal meeting | 27 April 2020 | Going ahead as scheduled |
VE Day celebrations | 8 May 2020 | Awaiting national decision/advice |
Mayor Choosing | 12 May 2020 | Held as an ordinary meeting. It is the first meeting of the civic year and so has to be held. There will be no reception and no formal invitation to the community. |
It is very important that you are aware of the risks and therefore if you fall within any of the following groups you should seriously consider not attending any council meetings.
Those with: COPD, any other respiratory condition, high blood pressure and those who come into contact with anyone with a compromised immune system or with caring responsibilities for an older person.
Useful Links
You can get up to date information and advice from:
For advice and support please go to: