Eastern Green

Eastern Green lies to the east of Penzance, running along the coastline towards Long Rock.

Behind it lies the village of Gulval and an area of farming land. During the Georgian and Victorian eras, Eastern Green was open grass land and used to exercise horses.

Today, Eastern Green is a mixed development of housing and light industry. The area acts as a gateway to Penzance and West Penwith, with good transport links and a range of supermarkets and independent food outlets.

It runs parallel to the South West Coast Path which is well used by walkers, joggers, cyclists, and dog walkers all year round.

Eastern Green also has beautiful views of St Michael’s Mount and The Scillonian returning to Penzance Harbour on summer evenings from St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly.

Your Councillors

Eastern Green falls within Penzance East Ward and there are 6 elected Councillors:

Cllr Joan Beveridge

Cllr Jonathan How

Cllr Jonathan How

Cllr Zach Lawlor

Cllr Zach Lawlor

Cllr Jan Power

Cllr Jan Power

Cllr Nadine Tonner

Cllr Nadine Tonner

You can find their contact details on the Your Councillors

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