Penzance Regen Partnership

The Penzance Regen Partnership supports the identification, development and implementation of projects to revitalise Penzance town centre.

The Penzance Regeneration Partnership was set up to allocate the money given to the town by Sainsbury’s to offset the impact of the supermarket on businesses in the town centre.

The Board is made up of representatives from:



09.09.2019 – Meeting Minutes

140.90 KB 7 Downloads

15.07.2019 – Meeting Minutes

143.51 KB 8 Downloads

10.06.2019 – Meeting Minutes

136.60 KB 7 Downloads

29.04.2019 – Meeting Minutes

138.66 KB 6 Downloads

25.03.2019 – Meeting Minutes

145.41 KB 9 Downloads

25.02.2019 – Meeting Minutes

143.47 KB 7 Downloads

15.01.2019 – Meeting Minutes

141.94 KB 7 Downloads

21.06.21 Draft Meeting Minutes

97.49 KB 44 Downloads

24.05.21 Meeting Minutes

82.47 KB 15 Downloads

    Minutes from meetings prior to the dates above are also available by contacting the office.

    Our Partners & Who We Support
