Community groups needed to help with tree planting project in Penzance

22nd September 2022 in Council News, Environment

At its most recent Full Council meeting, Penzance Council unanimously voted to support the Forest for Cornwall Project and to start working with local groups to start planting trees in Penzance.

Climate change is already having an impact across the world including extreme weather; threats to wildlife; and loss of food sources. Here in the Parish of Penzance, we have experienced increased flooding and storms which have impacted people’s lives and businesses.

Following a presentation made by Cornwall Council’s Forest for Cornwall Project Team to Penzance Council’s Climate Emergency Sub-Committee last month, Cllr Richard Sorrell brought a motion to Full Council to formally support the project and help extend the project within the Parish of Penzance.

“Our part of Cornwall is one of the least wooded areas of Britain – we need more trees!” said Cllr Richard Sorrell (Ward Councillor for Heamoor & Gulval).

“They will protect us from wind, from the scorching sun and from pollution. They will absorb and store harmful carbon and help to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide.

“We need to identify places, large and small, where trees can be planted. We need people to sow seeds and plant saplings. Let’s get together and get planting trees in Penzance Parish!”

At the last Full Council meeting, held on 5 September 2022, Councillors unanimously voted to formally support the project and for the Council’s Climate Emergency Sub-Committee to work on the following Forest for Cornwall initiatives across the Parish:

  • Explore tree planting opportunities locally, identify suitable sites and provide a parish canopy map
  • Set up and support community tree nurseries to grow future trees from locally collected seeds
  • (The Forest for My Place (F4MP) school offer (free school tree audit, identifying tree planting opportunities, tree use, and student sessions)

How you can get involved:

The Sub-Committee are now looking for community groups, schools, and private landholders to come forward and get involved in this fantastic project. For more information, please contact us by – Email: [email protected] or Tel: 01736 363405.

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