Friends of Penlee House are looking for a new Honorary Treasurer

23rd January 2023 in Penlee House
The Friends of Penlee House Gallery & Museum logo

The Friends of Penlee House provide charitable support for the work of the wonderful Penlee House Gallery & Museum, owned & operated by Penzance Council. The Society’s fundraising comes through membership subscriptions, appeals, bequests & donations and income from the Society’s lecture programme.

The Honorary Treasurer is responsible for overseeing the financial aspects of the Society’s activities: the work includes bookkeeping, settling of invoices, account reconciliations, preparation of periodic financial reports and assisting the board with financial planning and delivery. To achieve this, the Treasurer liaises closely with the Penlee House Administrator as well as the Gallery Director and both the Friends’ Committee Members and the Friends’ small Board of Trustees.

This is an unpaid volunteer appointment which will occupy you for a few hours most weeks, including time spent attending monthly committee and board meetings. Certain times of the year are quieter than others, and the period between the end of the financial year and the charity’s AGM in June involves submission of year end returns to the Society’s accountant.

The Hon. Treasurer has a seat on the charity’s Board of Trustees and normally holds office for a maximum of five years.

Our current Treasurer is willing to work alongside her replacement prior to a hand-over, which will be no later than July 2023.

Preliminary enquiries and expressions of interest should be sent to:

Jonathan C. T Symons – Interim Chair, the Friends of Penlee House

Email: [email protected]

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