Golowan Goes Back To The Future for 2022

16th June 2022 in Events, Local News, Penzance

Golowan Goes Back To The Future | ‘Dehwelans dhe’n termyn a dheu’

The Golowan Festival is back for 2022!

Golowan is back! After two years of challenging times those are the words that everyone has been waiting to hear – and while it is tempting to employ phrases such as “Golowan is back with a bang” we fully appreciate that to a local community starved of the jewel in its summer crown for two lean years, “back” will probably be quite enough. Once again in 2022, the organisers are very grateful to the support and funding given to the festival by Penzance Council.

“We are very pleased to see the Festival return to Penzance, after what has been a challenging two years for everyone, and are proud to support it as it brings all parts of our Parish communities together” said Cllr Jonathan How, Mayor of Penzance.

As it celebrates its 32nd year, there’s an irresistible feeling of optimism and our theme this year – “Golowan goes Back to the Future” – reflects a pride in all that this wonderful Festival has achieved and a passion for all the glorious memories yet to be created.

What’s On – Golowan Festival 2022 Overview

All the Golowan favourites return – Thursday 23rd June we have the Mock Mayor of the Quay Election at the Golowan Marquee, which will this year be hosted by Cornish Crown Brewery, with their fabulous line-up of performances running through to Sunday 26th. Friday 24th we will have a significantly quieter firework display for Mazey Eve, kinder for animals and the elderly, but don’t worry, the display will still light up the night sky over Penzance to celebrate our town’s annual celebration of summer and the Feast of St John, courtesy of Penzance Council.

Mazey Day – Saturday 25th

On Mazey Day the town Mayor and Mock Mayor will address the crowds from the Mayors’ Platform. This year’s theme ‘Golowan goes – Back to the Future’ has been very well received and schools and community groups have been working enthusiastically with artists to produce the parade models reflecting a varied range of nostalgic and futuristic images, which will be paraded through town, carried aloft in our Mazey Day Parades (generously sponsored by Mr Hugh Scantlebury).

Over sixty bands and solo performers have been commissioned to perform throughout the town with theatre, dance, song, and children’s entertainment in Morrab Gardens and Greenmarket Car Park will once more be transformed into Festival Square on Mazey Day, where a further dozen musical acts will fill the Folk Stage, along with a variety of enticing international and local food stalls. A new addition is the ‘Youth Stage’ (sponsored by HeadStart Kernow) and kindly hosted by Chapel Street Methodist Church and as ever we have the fair with rides and attractions to light up the harbourside from Wednesday through to Quay Fair Day.

The Golowan Band playing at the start of a parade on Mazey Day. (Photo: John Stedman)
The Golowan Band playing at the start of a parade on Mazey Day (Photo: John Stedman)

Quay Fair Day – Sunday 26th

On Quay Fair Day the whole of Penzance’s renovated promenade will host activity from Jubilee Pool to Wherrytown including Kids on the Prom, a Roller Disco, a Youth Music Stage (Sponsored by Headstart Kernow) and the ever-popular skate competitions and associated activities at the Skate Park, with the highly popular model boat event at Wherrytown Boating Pool, while, in the opposite direction, market stalls will proliferate along the Quay to Ross Bridge and the Folk Stage will transfer from Festival Square to the South Quay, in the harbour.

Reduce Refill Rethink

‘Back to the Cup!’ – As in 2019, the festival organisers are working closely with Plastic Free Penzance to encourage all festival visitors to bring a refill water bottle and drinks cup. Bring your Golowan cup from the last Festival or a cup used at other festivals! Please refuse plastic bags if offered them and help us create less rubbish by not buying single use, throw away items #ReduceRefillRethink

Golowan Refill Festival Cups featuring the Penzance Town Crest
Golowan Refill Festival Cups featuring the Penzance Town Crest

Traveling to Penzance via public transport

Please make sure you plan your journey to Penzance well in advance – due to next week’s planned strike action by RMT Union, there will be no train services to and from Penzance on Mazey Day. Bus services are still running as normal and do check The Pasty Connection APP where you can find other people to car share with on the day.


First Kernow: www.firstbus.co.uk/cornwall/plan-journey/journey-planner/
Transport for Cornwall: www.transportforcornwall.co.uk/#journey

The Pasty Connection (car sharing)

The Pasty Connection: www.facebook.com/groups/123436594346182/ or go to www.pastyconnection.com to download the app. You will be able to access the community through the app. When signing in type “Facebook” into the group ID to receive your free subscription.

Thanks to sponsors and volunteers

The Golowan Festival 2022 would not be possible without the help of the festival partners, sponsors, and volunteers. We are grateful for the support of Penzance Council, HeadStart Kernow, Truro & Penwith College, Tresorys Kernow, the Arts Council and the National Lottery Community Fund. We also continue to work closely with our partners at Penzance BID, Jubilee Pool, and Plastic Free Penzance.

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