New Mayor and Deputy Mayor chosen for Penzance

19th May 2021 in Council News, Events

We are pleased to announce the new Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor of Penzance were officially chosen at the Annual Town Council meeting which took place on 18 May at Penlee Open Air Theatre.

The Town Mayor is Cllr Jonathan How and the Deputy Town Mayor is Cllr Will Elliott.

Cllr How has been a town Councillor for the last four years and a Civic Deputy since 2019. He has been instrumental in developing our Climate Emergency Action Plan and forging links with local sustainability organisations.

He has previously held the positions of Chair of the Climate Emergency Sub-Committee and Vice-Chair of the Leisure & Amenities Committee.

Town Mayor - Cllr Jonathan How
Town Mayor – Cllr Jonathan How

Cllr How said: “I’m proud to have been elected as the town’s first green Mayor.

“It sends out a message that Penzance is not only looking to the future but understanding that it may be a future that’s very different to the past – creating solutions to the problems we face by weaving together different ideas in imaginative ways.

“I do believe that there is such a thing as society and all sorts of components of different political philosophies can be woven together in many combinations. That’s what makes a community resilient and there’s already bucketloads of this kind of thing going on in Penzance.

“I see the future role of the Council as being less-and-less about doing top-down things for people. But increasingly being the facilitator of the community doing things for itself.”

Cllr Elliott first joined the Council in 2017, was elected to Chair of the Planning Committee in January 2020 and has served as Vice-Chair of the Climate Emergency Sub-Committee.

Deputy Town Mayor - Cllr Will Elliott
Deputy Town Mayor – Cllr Will Elliott

Cllr Elliott said: “I was honoured to be elected by my fellow Councillors yesterday to the office of Deputy Town Mayor of Penzance, alongside our brilliant new Town Mayor Jonathan How!

I believe that Jonathan and I will work together as a brilliant team, conscious of all the issues that are affecting our town and ensuring that the Council listens to all of its residents – whether that be on social concerns, environmental issues, or providing local economic stability. We are here to listen!

I’ve been told that apparently I am the youngest person in the history of Penzance to hold this office – I hope that my election provides assurances to all of the young people in our town, and indeed further afield, that if you want to see change in your community, if you work hard and put yourself out there and fight for what you believe in, you can make that change a reality!”

At the town’s first virtual Annual Town Council, which was livestreamed on Facebook, a number of other official civic roles were also confirmed:

Civic Deputy: Cllr Bonnie Jackson

Mace Bearers: Mr Sid Reed and Mr Mike Arnold

Town Crier: Mr Philip Northcott

Deputy Town Crier: Mr Philip Rowley

Spiritual Representative: Mr Wella Morris

For the first time in the Council’s history, a Spiritual Representative was appointed as an alternative to the traditional role of Chaplain.

Mr Morris became a Bard of Gorsedh Kernow in 2020 by examination in the Cornish language and his continuing service to Cornwall – his Bardic name is Dragon Wyrdh (Green Dragon).

On his appointment, Mr Morris recited a prayer for peace in English and in Cornish.

Find out more about your newly elected Councillors, the latest news and announcements, and our meetings schedule.

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