Do you live, work or visit Penzance? The Healthy Streets PZ team has developed proposals for the second phase of the scheme and want to hear YOUR views.

25th February 2021 in Council News, Penzance

Developed last year by a partnership which includes Penzance Council, Penzance BID, Sustainable Penzance and Cornwall Council, the aim of the Heathy Streets PZ scheme is to reduce traffic and pollution levels in the town centre and create a better environment for all, allowing space for people to move around safely and comfortably.    

It is also part of the wider ambition to promote sustainable transport and tackle climate change, and make Penzance a thriving place for the future.  

The first phase, introduced at the beginning of September 2020, focused on creating a cycle and pedestrian friendly area in the town centre.  

Plans have now been developed for the second phase of the scheme which involves providing additional pedestrian crossings on Western Promenade Road and extending the 20mph speed limit. 

The specific proposals are to: 

  • Introduce a 20mph speed limit in Penzance town centre and the residential areas up to and including Alexandra Road
  • Modify road signage to direct more traffic to the town centre car parks, and through traffic to use the A30
  • Modify Western Promenade Road to provide enhanced crossing facilities and to change the environment to encourage traffic to avoid the town centre when travelling across Penzance
  • Formalise the parking on Alexandra Road to maximise parking availability while maintaining a good flow of traffic associated with the directional signage changes to Penzance which will see an increased use of Alexandra Road

Following the introduction of the first phase of the scheme, the project team are looking to build on this work and deliver the next phase. They want to hear the views of local residents and businesses on the draft proposals and are encouraging everyone to look at the designs and make sure they have their say.  

This second phase of the scheme will be part funded through a share of the money awarded to Cornwall Council from the Government’s Active Travel Fund, with the remainder of the funding being sought from the Town Deal.

As a result of Cornwall Council’s decision to allocate funding to Penzance, work can now go ahead on improving safe walking and cycling routes in the town. The proposals have been developed by all the partners working together over the past few weeks and the team want to hear what local people think.   

How to have your say

Formal statutory consultation on the proposals will begin on Thursday, 25 February and will run until Thursday, 25 March 2021.

If you wish to formally respond to the statuatory consultation you can email your comments to Cornwall Council’s Highways Team at [email protected] or you can write to: Highways Team, Scorrier Depot, Radnor Road, Scorrier, TR16 5EH 

You can also use the transport contact form on the Love Penzance website.  

Information will also be available on the Love Penzance website and published on the new Healthy Streets PZ pages on the Let’s Talk Cornwall platform so people can share their views and feedback on the proposals.

What next?

Depending on the results of the statutory consultation, the current aim is for work on delivering this phase to begin in April 2021.   

“We want to ensure that as many people as possible have the opportunity to view and comment on these proposals “said Jessica Morris, from Penzance BID.  

“As well as the statutory consultation we have created a Healthy Streets PZ section on the Let’s Talk Cornwall platform to include residents and visitors in discussion about future transport proposals.  

“With the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions preventing face to face engagement events, this site will help to keep local people up to date with all the latest information, as well as offering a space for them to have their say on the proposals. ”

If the Phase 2 projects operate successfully, the team will then seek to deliver the third phase of the scheme which focuses on reducing traffic flow along the promenade to create a safer and more attractive place for people to spend time. This contributes to the wider ambition to restore the promenade to its former glory and as a key asset for the town. 

As this final phase is not expected to be implemented until the Autumn, the designs are still at a very early stage.  Further information will be provided about the proposals as they are developed.  

“By improving walking and cycling facilities across Penzance and promoting more sustainable forms of transport which are accessible to all, the Healthy Streets scheme reflects the views expressed by local residents during the Penzance Expo and Neighbourhood Plan consultation “ said Rachel Yates, from Sustainable Penzance

“It also supports the aims set out in the Climate Emergency declarations made by the Town Council and Cornwall Council.

“This second phase is a key part of the overall scheme and we want to ensure that as many people as possible take this opportunity to have their say on the future transport plans for our town”.  

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