Penzance Promenade Recommencement of Work

18th May 2020 in Uncategorised

Over recent weeks Cormac have been working hard to plan the phased recommencement of operations, whilst adapting to guidance from the Government with regards COVID-19.

Cormac are responding to a continually changing situation and the health and wellbeing of colleagues, communities and customers is top priority.

Following the Government’s ongoing stance and more recent announcement, getting construction sites operational wherever it is practical and safe to do so, not only enables industry to remain buoyant, but capitalises on reduced traffic and pedestrian flow, aiding efficient progress. Therefore, Cormac intend to recommence the improvements to Penzance Promenade during this week, commencing 18th May and wanted to reassure that strict control measures will be in place to minimise any risk of spread of infection.

Based on guidance from health authorities, industry Health & Safety advisors and the Government’s Global Pandemic Task Force, additional and comprehensive safe working procedures and systems will be implemented, including social distancing and appropriate PPE.  Due to the location of the current works phase, they are able to recommence in a safe manner with a reduced workforce on site and whilst maintaining sufficient distance from each other and from pedestrians. Control measures will be reviewed and updated daily to ensure they are maintained as the works progress.

Initially the detailed concrete finishing will recommence on phase one, at the Jubilee Pool end of the promenade. Following this, concrete pouring will begin again in a few weeks’ time, alongside the removal of the existing surface further along the Promenade. During this time, the short-term closures of sections of the Promenade parking layby will again be needed, in order to accommodate the concrete tanker lorries.

If you do have any queries or concerns, or would like to speak to someone about this, please call 0300 1234 222 or email [email protected]

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